Saturday, December 22, 2012

Home for the Holidays

Was last week incredibly long for anyone else?  I don't know if my eager anticipation of getting home to my Mama was the issue, or if it was the heavy workload I had last week, but it drug on forever!  Fortunately, I got all of my stuff taken care of, and we are safely in Little Rock.  But not until after one awesome second grade holiday party!

  How much have I been looking forward to these five days off for the holidays?  More than you could possibly know!  It's been a taxing year to be a Johnson-Holloway-Lowe, losing two grandparents, moving houses, being pregnant, and so much more - I need this time off to unwind, reflect, and snuggle up with my nearest and dearest.

There's something so relaxing about being at your parents' house.  I can be in my reindeer pajama pants all day, the calories don't count, and I don't feel any pressure to clean, cook, or get anything done around my own house.  If I want to spend the whole day on MarioKart, I can.  How liberating is that?

What's on the agenda?  Not much, I am happy to report.  A little baking, a little video gaming, a little coffee drinking, a little card playing...then a LOT of present opening.  Today, Mama and I are making Grandmama's world famous Christmas cookies, which include peanut butter blossoms, Chocolate surprises, and cocoons.  My mother will also be making her molasses cookies, which are as close to an illegal drug addiction as I'll ever get.  Can't stop, won't stop.  Tomorrow, we'll make Mom's secret vanilla cookie recipe and let the whole family ice and decorate them.

Christmas Eve, we'll head to Ryan's parents' for the day to have Christmas with them, his sister and her husband, and our nephew Rafe.  Then they have a big Christmas dinner at 3PM, complete with a rowdy game of Dirty Santa.  Afterwards, it's dinner at my Nini's with both of my aunts and their families (that means two uncles, three cousins, one cousin's husband, and her little bun in the oven due in late January/early February).

I won't give away all of the fun that will ensue on Christmas, because I'm sure that will make for some great blog posting.  Check back later to make sure I didn't blow up Mom's kitchen!

Oh, and here's a little shot of Alli having a tea party with the tea set my mom had as a child.  How sweet is that?  See if you can spot my dad's childhood teddy bear in attendance.


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