Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pregnancy Update - 28 Weeks

Disclaimer - I currently hate all pictures of myself.  I look swollen!  Like I got stung by a bee!  But I am going to press on with documenting this journey, hoping one day I will look back on these pictures and laugh about how fat I look instead of wishing I were this size...

How far along: 28 weeks

Size of baby: According to The Bump, baby Riley is the size of an eggplant, weighing 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measuring 13.6 to 14.8 inches long.

Maternity clothes: Clearly.  I need more tops.  I'm starting to bare belly under my normal ones.

Gender: A precious little girl named Riley Rachelle.

Movement:  Regularly.  I feel her in my ribs, I feel her flip and roll around.  The kicks are getting really strong - sometimes they even hurt!!

Sleep: Sleep lately has been pretty great.  I don't know if daylight savings time helped or if I'm just finding ways to get more comfy, but I haven't had too much of a problem, which is a blessing.

Symptoms: Fatness!  Heartburn hasn't been as bad as it was because I am learning what triggers it and can avoid it.  I get a lot of pain in my shoulders right now, I think from sitting up at work all day.

What I miss: Still wine & coffee.  Red sauce.  Not looking like a pot-bellied pig!  

Cravings: Not too much lately.  I still drink more sweet tea than I should.

Food aversions: Nada.

Best moment this week: I'll go back to last week when we saw her precious precious precious face on our 3D ultrasound.  It was an AMAZING experience.  I cannot wait to meet this little lady!  Also passing my glucose test.  I was nervous about that for some reason.

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower next weekend!  Getting her crib and chair in around the end of April.


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