Sunday, April 27, 2014

Riley {Ten Month Update}

Boy, do I feel sheepish.  It's been over a month since I last posted!  Spring has been a flurry of activity for our family, and I've been collapsing into bed at night without the energy to blog.  Now I'm posting Riley's ten month update when she's almost eleven months old!  Please forgive me.  I'll do better, I promise!

Here are key words to describe Riley this month:

  • Waving.  Out of the blue one day, Riley started waving bye bye, and she just can't get enough of it.  Sometimes she gives even gives the two handed wave.  She's gotten so good at it that all you have to say is "Bye bye!" and she immediately starts waving.  It's adorbs.
  • Wary.  Riley is pretty cautious of people who aren't in her immediate family or friends.  She's stopped willingly going to whoever wants to hold her and has started hesitating, turning away, or crying.  Her "Strangers Danger" complex is pretty acute right now.
  • Crawling.  Riley isn't doing the traditional crawl on her knees - she does the belly to the ground Army crawl.  But she's speedy, determined, and able to get across the room quickly.  Cue babyproofing.

Riley still loves every food we put in front of her.  She never turns down grub, and she's enjoyed every solid she's tried.  She's even learned to enjoy chicken!  We added beets, broccoli & cauliflower this month without any complaints.

Sleep with Riley is touch and go - most nights she goes down between 8-9PM and gets up between 7-8AM.  But as soon as you think you've got her figured out, she changes her mind!  She had been laying down by herself when she was sleepy and going to bed on her own, but then for a week she decided she needed to nurse or rock to sleep.  And then we were back to laying her down again.  She always keeps us on our toes!

Riley still loves to give headbutt kisses, dance to music, and throw her toys on the ground for you to pick up.  When she tosses a toy overboard, she proclaims "Uh!"  We're still working on the "Oh!"  Happy ten months, sweet smiley Riley!


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