Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Year's Resolution Check-Up

What an unusual time for yours truly to be posting, no?  That's right, it's 11AM on a Sunday.  I got the inspiration and I decided to run with it.  This time is odd for me because usually, we're at church on Sunday mornings and usually I post late at night.  But since I have been in Columbus, OH since Thursday afternoon, we decided to stay in this morning.  And instead of cleaning, which I was in the middle of when inspiration struck, I am going to blog for a minute.

Three weeks into the New Year, it's finally time for New Year's Resolution Review!  I'm going to try to post my progress on my New Year's resolutions here to assist in motivating me to keep them up.

Here they are, in no specific order:

  • Savings - Ryan and I have never really had financial issues, but we've never really gotten ahead with regard to savings and monitoring our spending.  We just always made sure outflow < inflow.  So we are currently working diligently to curb our spending.  We each get $150 in cash at the beginning of the month for general merriment, personal eating out, etc.  I think this is going to help tremendously because we tend to nickel and dime ourselves to death with $10 lunches here and $100 shoes there.  Okay, maybe the  last one is more me than Ryan.  But you get the idea.  We also are on a bit of a budget, and let me tell you, that is NOT fun!
  • Fingernails - I am not kind to my fingernails.  I don't bite them, but I definitely pick at them, especially the cuticles.  They just never look very presentable.  So I am making a conscious effort to not pick them and keep them nice.  Painting them helps me to not pick, so I am keeping a fun shade on them.  This means I have to repaint them, file them, trim them, and trim my cuticles at least once a week.  Three weeks in, I can tell you - I've noticed a HUGE difference.  And I am having lots of fun spending my discretionary money on colors like purple and silver!
  • Weight Loss - The classic resolution.  I did this last year and lost about 10 lbs.  It was great!  I've put about 7 of that back on, so I'm planning to lose another 10 by sometime in the spring.  Already, I have lost 2!  I'm going to the gym 3x a week and working out with videos at home 2 times a week.  I'm also counting calories using the Lose It! app on my iPhone.  I like it a lot because it helps me really think about what I eat and how much I eat.
  • Blog More - I'm going to try to blog 2-3 times per week.  Period.  You let me know how I do on that one.
Okay, I have to get back to house cleaning before Ryan gets back from the grocery store and wonders what I have been up to!


  1. Sounds like you're staying on track! Congrats on the weight loss - I tried that Lose It program, but I always forget to keep track of my intake.

    Also - lovin' the nailpolish w/ ya. Today's funky color - crazy blue (looked better at night when I was tired and the room was kinda dark).

    Keep up the blogging! I'm ready to hear about the rest of the pets.


  2. SOOO i tried to follow you.. but it doesn't give me the option?help

  3. Jenni - we need to swap colors, I'm loving the blue!

    Cort - I'll look into it. But I don't want to mess up you following other people, I'm a sporadic blogger. I'll let you know when I get better!

    Get ready - Meet the Pets: The Ginger Edition should be coming next week.


Please feel free to comment - thanks for reading!