Thursday, May 8, 2014

Slang by Alli

A few nights ago I was getting Alli ready for school the next day by having her lay out her clothes.  She said "You know, Mom, I really need some new clothes."  "I know you do, Alli.  I'll go get you some.  What are you into these days?  Jeans and t-shirts still okay, or do you want to change it up?"

"I think jeans and t-shirts.  That's my swagga."  This statement was followed by two hands in deuces thrown up in the air.

Radio silence.  Then "Um, what did you say?"

"That's my swagga.  The jeans and t-shirts."  More deuces.

"What does that mean, exactly?"

"You know, like that's what makes me cool.  It's my swagga."

I'm really not ready for this, people.


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