Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm Big on Little Rock: Maternity Leave Edition

Ryan is having to do some traveling with his new job, so as soon as we were settled at home with Riley, we (over)loaded up the Pilot and headed down to my hometown of Little Rock.  I was excited to spend a few weeks with the 'rents - something I haven't done since I landed my big kid job six years ago.  We're in Little Rock for a week and a half before we shove out for the Emerald Coast.  We've been here since Sunday, and it's been wonderful!

The best part is that we haven't even done that much.  We've met my mom for lunch at her work, done a very little shopping (like Target for diapers and Babies R Us for a Rock 'n' Play - LIFESAVER), and been to the pool a few times.  But it's so nice because all I really have to do is hold Riley, feed Alli, and keep up with my own laundry.  I also try to pick up around the house if I get a chance, but no one is too upset if I don't.

Riley has had a new sleep cycle since we've been here - like not sleeping.  She naps fine during the day, but her night time routine has been no bueno.  She will NOT sleep in her pack and play right now.   I was at my wit's end until I read about the Rock 'n' Play - she'd been sleeping in her bouncy chair.  Last night she slept from 10:30PM until 3:00AM!  Woohoo!!  I think that's the most consecutive sleep I've had in months!

Mom and Dad did an awesome job setting up the game room for Alli with the Xbox, a recliner, and a coloring station.  She's had a fun time hanging out up there, and it's made my life much easier.  And I've really enjoyed having my brother around to talk to all day.  I think we're going to meet my parents for lunch tomorrow, and then get Riley out to meet Ryan's dad this weekend.  I also have a smidge of shopping to do before beach time (I cannot believe it's time for that yet!!).


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