Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Riley {One Month Update}

Happy one month birthday to Riley Rachelle!  And what a month it's been!  There are parts of me that can't believe it's been a whole month, and parts of me the feel like Riley's been in the family forever.  We are so blessed that she has been such a healthy, beautiful addition to the family.

Milestones:  Riley has great head control.  She turns it and holds it up for a good length of time, which is great since she pretty much hates tummy time.  So it's nice that for now she can strengthen her neck while she's being held upright.  She's also excellent at turning her head side to side to follow objects and noise.  She's been alert since day one...which makes sleeping...

Sleep:  ...close to impossible.  She's napped for about three hours at a time at the most.  She has decided since we've been in Little Rock that she is shunning the pack and play, so I had to go buy a Rock 'n' Play to sleep her a little more upright and snuggle her in.  She absolutely loves to be swaddled, and thank goodness Ryan and my mom can teach me over and over how to do it.  I'll be honest, sleep isn't great and we are all worn out.

Eating:  Fortunately, eating is going great!  She latches right on and seems pretty content.  She's gaining her weight like a champ, and it seems like she's getting plenty to eat.  We are having a little trouble with reflux, but the doctor isn't too concerned yet since it seems intermittent and she's gaining her weight.  She tends to eat every 2-3 hours, sometimes we can stretch her to 4.  She eats about 30 minutes, but she has times where she eats up to an hour.  She eats 8-10 times per day, so go ahead and do the math to figure out how I spend my days.  I'm pumping where I can, but there sometimes just aren't enough hours in the day.

Other:  She's definitely got some baby acne, which looks terrible but I've been assured doesn't bother her.  And this kid is no Alli.  Alli was an easy easy baby - Riley is a challenge.  She has days of fussiness, days of happiness.  And once you figure out how to get her to sleep, she changes her mind.  She's had three bottles, which she took very well.  And she was taking her Wubbanubs, but she's decided she doesn't like them right now.

I'd like to forget... the numerous times she's peed or pooped on me.  The spit up all over me.  The cluster feeding.  The nursing for nonstop some nights, and the past few days where she's been inconsolable.  Otherwise I might not have any more kids.

I don't want to forget... her face when someone holds her up on their shoulder.  Her first time smiling at me.  How much I enjoy our special time when I feed her - sometimes.  Our naps together.  How her sister loves her and gives me nonstop updates on what she's doing in the car - "She opened her eyes.  She closed them.  She sneezed.  She smiled.  She's crying.  She yawned."  I mean some days I have to say "OKAY!" and some days I think it's precious.

Happy one month Riley!  I hope in another month you're sleeping longer...but I am so so lucky that you are so very healthy and happy (most of the time).


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