Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Riley's Birth Story

A week ago Monday morning, I woke up feeling the same as every other morning the past month - optimistic and hopeful that Riley would make her big debut that day.  And every day at about 10AM, I give up that hope.  I know that every pregnancy and labor is different, but my only other experience is with Alli.  With Al, my water broke around 9AM, followed by my first contractions.  I delivered her at 8:38 that same night.  So I couldn't help but expect Riley to follow suit, especially given I had zero contractions and was only 2cm dilated at that point.

So anyway, this Monday I hopped (okay, groaned and rolled) out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.  It was around 7:30AM, and I thought I might have felt my water break.  It wasn't much, but I thought to myself excitedly Maybe today's the day!!  Not that I hadn't thought it several other mornings...but I was pretty anxious to go into labor without an induction, and at 40 weeks and 2 days, time was running out.  So Ryan got up shortly after I did, and I told him that my water might have broken, but I wanted to keep an eye on it.  He went on to work and I laid back down.  Around 8:30AM, I got up again and took a few steps towards the bathroom - but there was no mistaking.  My water had broken!!  I decided to go ahead and make breakfast for Alli and I before I let anyone know.  I knew as soon as I got to the hospital, there'd be no eating.  So I whipped up blueberry muffins and then called Ryan to let him know.  About that time, the contractions started.  They were very mild and hard to time, but they were definitely something.  So I texted my mom and told her I was going to go to the hospital to get checked for my water breaking.  I told her not to head up before I got confirmation, but she said "Your water broke.  You're having contractions.  I'm on my way."

So Lindsey came over to sit with Alli at our house, and Ryan and I headed to the ER.  They tested me for amniotic fluid, which came back positive.  Woohoo - it was baby day!!  Then they began the admission process.  I had one great ER nurse and one that was awful.  She couldn't get my IV in, and when I told her I was woozy about needles, she kept talking about valves and veins.  She also kept telling the other nurse that Riley's heart rate was dropping during my contractions, which the better nurse assured me was normal and because her heart rate came back up afterwards, everything was fine.  Then bad nurse forgot to take my blood, which I found out later had to happen before I got an epidural.  Pretty sure it was her mission in life to make labor and delivery as painful as possible for me - as if I needed help.

Anyway, the labor and delivery nurses came down and wheeled me into my room.  Ryan and I didn't take a hospital tour before delivery, so we were pleasantly surprised to see a huge room with a couch, table and chairs, and a rocking chair.  I was going to labor, deliver, and recover in the same room.  We waited a while on the epidural before we all figured out that they were waiting on bloodwork that hadn't actually been drawn yet.  Talk about frustrated!  My contractions were really picking up at that time.  Finally the bloodwork was complete, but the nurse said that my platelets were low and she wasn't sure if they could even give me an epidural.  I got pretty worried at that time, but the anesthesiologist came in and said they were just high enough that he would feel comfortable proceeding.  He sent in another anesthesiologist to actually put it in, and that's where the story gets painful.  He could not get the epidural in - he tried about five times.  I was in a lot of pain, with tears streaming down my face.  Finally, 45 minutes later, he got it done and I felt the relief.  About that time, my mom, sister, and Alli showed up.   As the epidural kicked in, I had fun chatting with all of them (and my mother in law who showed up a little later).  They checked me again, and I was only 4cm, so I figured we were in for a long haul.

But then, just about 2 hours later, my mom, Alli and mother-in-law went out to get some snacks and the nurses came in to check me.  The student nurse checked first and looked up at the other nurse - "I think she's complete."  The other nurse checked and agreed.  Lindsey hustled out of the room to tell the grandmothers and big sister.  Alli poked her head in one more time to tell me she loved me, and then it was go time!

At that time, Riley was still a little high, so while the room started getting prepped for delivery (think runway lights and a table full of frightening looking tools), they had me push through contractions to get her in position to call the doctor.  Her heart rate started dropping a little, but as soon as my doctor came in, she was fine.  He left again, waiting on her to get into a better position, and the nurse and I worked on getting her lower.  At one point, the nurse commented "She has a head full of hair!!"  And then we pushed one more time, and she said "If I tell you to stop, stop.  She's really close."  So I took a deep breath and pushed while she counted - she only made it to 4 (we'd been going to 10) when she said "Stop! STOP!!" and then called Dr. Hurt in.  He got suited up and we pushed one more time - and baby Riley was born!!

They immediately laid her on my chest and I was SHOCKED at her long dark hair!  Seriously, if they hadn't put her on my chest immediately, I would have thought they had pulled a baby swap on me.  But she was so so gorgeous and so perfect that I couldn't believe it - that's the second time I've had that experience, and there's nothing less special about it the second time.  Ryan cut the cord and then followed the nurse over to where they were cleaning up Riley.  While the doctor worked on me, Ryan was snapping pictures and helping to clean her up - totally not fair.

She weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs, 6 oz. and was 21 inches long - a whole pound and 3/4 inch bigger than her sister.  We've joked that those 6 oz must be hair.  I think my mom almost had a heart attack waiting - Ryan was so caught up in everything that he completely forgot to text her that everyone was okay!  But finally in Alli came to meet her little sissy for the first time, followed by both of her grandmas and her aunt.  Seeing them together for the first time was such a wonderful feeling that I won't forget - and seeing Ryan become a daddy all over again was wonderful too.  It made me so happy that he was able to be a complete part of this pregnancy and birth.  He has proven to me again (as if I needed a reminder) of what a wonderful husband, daddy, and man he is.

Sorry this post is so late - I can't believe she's already eight days old!  We've been adjusting here at home and trying to get as much sleep as possible, so I'll update again when I have a chance.  I'd forgotten what a full time job mothering a newborn is.  I consider it a victory when I brush my teeth and hair - and a shower?  That's heaven on earth.  But I seriously wouldn't trade it.


  1. Congratulations! She is beautiful! It makes me so excited for Adalyn to arrive in just a few weeks!!!

  2. Thank you, Elaine! We are over the moon excited!! I can't wait to see your pics of Adalyn - good luck with everything!!


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