Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Waiting Game

A few appointments ago, our OB commented to Ryan and I that were in the "boring part" of the pregnancy - if only I had known how right he was!  Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful that it's been "boring," that's about the best thing you can ask for when there's a little bitty on the way.  But we just flipped the switch to full term (37 weeks) on Thursday, and I have almost everything checked off my to do list.

My bags are as packed as they can be.  All of Riley's clothes are washed and put away.  Her room is totally done and ready to go.  Ryan is going to put the carseat bases in the car this weekend.  I mean, all we are missing is her!

I am trying to find peace in these last few weeks (days, hours?) until she is here, because I know our lives are going to be upside down for a while.  But I can't help but be just a little impatient - I want to meet her, I want to hold her!  I want to get labor out of the way!  But at our last OB appointment on Monday, I was only a half centimeter dilated and she hadn't dropped.  So I am guessing we are in for the long haul.

Today Ryan is helping a friend move, and I am trying to focus on enjoying Alli's last few weeks (days, hours?) as an only child.  We watched the new Ninja Turtles show this morning, went for a walk/scooter ride around the 'hood with the dogs, and then went to the neighborhood park to play.  We even broke into the pool area to look around - I can't wait for that thing to be completely up and running!

What is everyone else up to on this beautiful Saturday while I'm bored, broody, and waiting for Riley?  I hope you're outside - it's gorgeous here!


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