Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Get 'Er Done

The mister and I have been joking that our new year didn't start until Monday due to my extensive travel the first week of 2011.  And then it snowed, so we decided Tuesday was the actual first day.  Our overall theme for this year is debateable.  He prefers "Make it Happen" and I like "Check it Off" so we've settled on this, paying homage to our Ferndale roots:  "Get 'Er Done." Tagline:  "Life is too short to sit around!"

In the spirit of "Get 'Er Done 2011", here are a few of our goals:
  • Cook more.  A bit of a new spin on "Lose Weight."  We both have the lbs to lose, but it's awfully cold (to the tune of -1 degree tonight) to be going for a run.  We'd really like not to join a gym and get locked into any monthly fees.  And in our humble abode, there's not room for a treadmill.  So until it thaws out a little bit, a good way to lose a few is to count the calories and eat out less.  Therefore, we are trying to be much better about cooking more.  Don't get it twisted, it's not all going to be Racheal Ray-style - your girl would get burned out in a week!  It's ok to mix up some macaroni or have a sandwich a few nights too.  I tell myself.
  • Save more.  In anticipation of new, exciting, big things in the next few years, we'd like to be a bit more financially responsible.  That means a few less Coach purses and shoes and a little more budgeting.  Sad face.  I am excited for the challenge of continuing to decorate our little house (a lifelong project, I'm learning) on a tighter budget.  I might need to go antiquing again!  Joy!  Don't tell my mom I said that.  But look for a lot more spray paint projects and brags about deals.  Not my forte, but definitely a growth opportunity.

New entry table - everything done on the cheap!

  • Do more.  There's no time like the present to accomplish what you want!  I don't mind relaxing and enjoying life a bit, but I do know I spend way too much time sitting on my backside.  And if I think I do, you know I think Ryan is 100x worse (whether he is or not).  We are trying to accomplish everything we want to in this house (and our lives for that matter) as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.  I'm keeping a list of house upgrades and decor I'd like to change as well as a to-do list for things like air conditioning inspection, car tag renewal, etc. to help us allocate time and money well.  Maybe my house list will eliminate some of my tendency to impulse buy?  Time will tell.  This goal isn't just about the house, either.  It includes things like putting down our cell phones and playing Monopoly with Alli, going for family walks on nice days, and, per goal 1, cooking.

Sgt. Lowe installing a plastic bag holder to free up a drawer

So there you have it.  A few non-resolutions for "Get 'Er Done 2011."  No promises I will keep you updated on them.  It wasn't on the list.

I'll bet you noticed the new picture on the entry table.  I invented that today on the fly at Hobby Lobby.  The frame was the perfect size for the table, but I hate tiny pictures.  So I snagged some scrapbook paper and the bedazzled "L" for a personalized touch.  Love.  Total cost:  $4 for frame, $0.30 for paper, $1.50 for "L" for a total of $5.80.  In your face, goal #2.



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