Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The scene is Saturday night.

Me: "Alli!  Time to get in bed!!"
Alli:  "But I don't want to go to bed!  I don't like going to bed!"
Me:  "Why not??"
Alli:  "Because it's not fun to go to bed."

Ah, my child. One day you will appreciate bed time.  One day, it will be the only time in your day when you get a minute of peace from the constant responsibilities of caring completely for a life other than your own.  One day, it will be the only time you get to have a mature, unfiltered conversation with your partner about whatever you want - work, movies, food, your kids.  One day, it will be time for uninterrupted, guilt-free you time to watch HGTV, read Southern Living, or surf the web.  One day you'll be 20 weeks pregnant and will barely be able to keep yourself upright past 8PM every night.

Until then, please enjoy your boundless energy.  It's making me sleepy.


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