Saturday, April 21, 2012

Red and White, Fight Fight Fight!

It's no secret that the Lowe and Holloway family are big Hog fans.  We run a mega tailgate and travel with the Hogs all football season long.  And as you might expect, we love a good opportunity to see our Razorbacks during the spring as well.  This weekend was Razorfest followed by the annual Red White game - the football scrimmage that culminates the spring practice season.

We had planned to have the whole tailgate shindig set up like we did last year, but Mr. and Mrs. Lowe had long hard work weeks, so we decided it would be better to take in the sights and fun of Razorfest.  We got there around 11:30, and Alli promptly made us get in line to slide on a huge inflatable slide.

After her slide, we headed into the stadium, where there were more activities.  In the end zone we found a few famous people to take pictures with:

Then we grabbed jumbo corn dogs and took our seats to cheer for the boys - both Red and White.  It actually ended up being a bit emotional to see the highlights from the previous season, see the seniors get recognized, and know what the players have been through in the past few weeks.

The weather was beautiful and the Hogs won (Ryan wore that joke out and yelled at the refs.).  It made me excited for football, which I needed after the past two weeks.  Now we just need a coach...


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